
1942 Harvard Rugby Team Defeats Boston Club to Win Championship

For the fourth straight year the Harvard Rugby Club won the Eastern Rugby League championship when they defeated a surprisingly strong Boston club Saturday, 14 to 0, while Princeton, the Crimson's closest rival for the crown, was being beaten by Yale.

1939: Harvard Ruggers Face Yale, Cornell, Princeton In Bermuda

Crimson rugby players will embark on April 1 for a week's stay in Bermuda where they will play Yale, Princeton, and Cornell during the annual rugby week held there.

Mood Indigo On Upper Alumni Kurt Vonnegut

1941: Mood Indigo On Upper Alumni

Kurt Vonnegut Cornell '44 was also known to write about sports when he was a member of The Sun news board. At least when the spirit moved him. In 1941, the Cornell rugby team was having a particularly tough time of it, and Vonnegut pointed out the problem in this column from May 1, 1941.

Posted: 05/01/1941